The Pull 9-10-14

jun140601I have to keep this one short today. There is one thing I wanted to say, though. Death of Wolverine is awesome. Marvel was lucky to get Charles Soule to sign an exclusive deal as he is one of the most prolific and entertaining writers out there today. His work on the first issue of Death of Wolverine was fantastic. If there is anything about the book that stands out above the rest of what I am reading today, it is the art. Steve McNiven’s work on this book is amazing. Check it out, if not only for the art.

So here is what I plan on picking up this week:

Injustice Gods Among Us Year Two #11

Lazarus #11

Walking Dead #131

Amazing Spider-Man #6

Death of Wolverine #2

Edge of Spider-Verse #1

Hawkeye #20

Inhuman #5

Again, this is going to be a short one for me this week. I mean come on! Destiny released today and Son’s of Anarchy debuts…I have no time for all of this, but somehow, someway, I will get my fill.

Let me know what you plan on reading in the comments!

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